
2017 비스듬한 뼈와 늘어진 말 _ askew bone and stuttering

걸어가는 이웃을 바라보는 눈_Eyes looking at a walking neighbor
ceramic, latex, artificiality hair, clay, oil clay, fabric, wire, wood, gouache, 30(w)x145(h)x30(l)cm, 2017

wood, stone, dried plants, steel, artificiality hair, artificiality leather, vinyl, sponge, clay, oil clay, gouache, 35(w)x132(h)x35(l)cm, 2017

이끼_Mossiness, 2017
 코코아를 마시는 남자_The man to drink cocoa, oil on canvas, 162x97cm, 2017
 갈색 뼈_Brown bone, oil on canvas, 24.3x33.3cm, 2017

나비를 생각하며 잠 못 이룬 밤들_Nights that can not sleep with her worries, oil on canvas, 164x64cm, 2017
 나비를 생각하며 잠 못 이룬 밤들_Nights that can not sleep with her worries, stone, wood, a model of a human bone, artificiality hair, vinyl, clay, oil clay, gouache, 87(w)x44(h)x32(l)cm, 2017

갈색 뼈_Brown bone, oil on canvas, 24.3x33.3cm, 2017
갈라진 엉덩이_Detached buttocks, ceramic, steel, fabric, 30.5(w)x43(h)x30.5(l)cm, 2017
바위와 여자_Woman with rock, oil on canvas, 110x150cm, 2017

초록 돌_Green stone, oil painting, wood, gouache, dimensions variable, 2017
Untitled, oil on canvas, 50x50cm, 2017